Tuesday Jan 16, 2024
Accident Anniversaries: Honoring Lives and Learning Lessons
Tuesday Jan 16, 2024
Tuesday Jan 16, 2024
In their podcast, Trish and Traci discuss the importance of commemorating anniversaries of incidents, emphasizing the need to learn from the past. Trish highlights two reasons for reflection: learning from past events to prevent recurrence and honoring those who lost their lives. They delve into various historical incidents, such as the IChemE Safety Centre's 10th anniversary, the LNG explosion in Algeria, the Boston molasses spill, the flour dust explosion in Germany, the Valdez oil spill, Flixborough, the Phillips Petroleum incident in Texas, and the 40-year anniversary of the Bhopal disaster. The discussion underscores the ongoing relevance of these incidents and the importance of continuous learning in process safety.